【BOB SPORTS】Airbnb采取对策解决歧视问题

【BOB SPORTS】Airbnb采取对策解决歧视问题

时间:2025-01-27 13:03:02 作者:BOB半岛·(中国)官方网站 阅读:

本文摘要:Airbnb has announced a raft of policies to fight discrimination at the home-sharing platform, after user complaints and academic studies found bias against non-white users.在用户滋扰以及学术研究找到非白人用户遭遇种族主义后,Airbnb宣告了一系列政策来解决问题这个居所分享平台的种族歧视问题。

Airbnb has announced a raft of policies to fight discrimination at the home-sharing platform, after user complaints and academic studies found bias against non-white users.在用户滋扰以及学术研究找到非白人用户遭遇种族主义后,Airbnb宣告了一系列政策来解决问题这个居所分享平台的种族歧视问题。The issue of discrimination is one that cuts to the quick at many Silicon Valley tech companies, where most start-up founders and executives are white men.种族歧视问题砍到了很多硅谷科技公司的痛处,多数初创公司的创始人和高管都是白人男性。Airbnb’s new policies include increasing the number of instant book rooms (which are less prone to discrimination), establishing a team of engineers to fight bias, and asking all Airbnb users to sign an anti-discrimination agreement.Airbnb的新政策还包括减少立即预计房间(不更容易经常出现种族歧视),重新组建一个工程师团队来对付种族主义,同时拒绝Airbnb所有用户签定一份反种族歧视协议。The online room-letting service is also experimenting with reducing the prominence of profile photos for guests, to reduce discrimination by hosts.这个在线房间租赁服务还在尝试减少租客档案照片的重要性,以增加房东的种族歧视。

A report that Airbnb commissioned from Laura Murphy, a former official at the American Civil Liberties Union, found that part of the reason the company was slow to address discrimination concerns was the company’s employees are not sufficiently diverse.Airbnb委托美国公民自由联盟(American Civil Liberties Union)前官员劳拉墨菲(Laura Murphy)所作的报告找到,该公司解决问题种族歧视问题进程较慢的部分原因是该公司员工过于多元化。In response, Airbnb has pledged to increase its ratio of minority employees, from 9.6 per cent today to 11 per cent by the end of 2017, and to increase its procurement from minority suppliers.作为对此,Airbnb允诺提升少数族裔员工的比例,从当前的9.6%提升至2017年底的11%,并且减少从少数族裔供应商订购。The company is also working with community-based organisations to encourage more minorities to act as Airbnb hosts.该公司还与社区的组织合作,希望更加多少数族裔沦为Airbnb的房东。

Airbnb, which has shaken up the global hospitality industry, is one of Silicon Valley’s most prominent private tech companies, but in recent months it has become a lightning rod for discussions about diversity in the industry.动摇了全球酒店行业的Airbnb,是硅谷最知名的私有科技公司之一,但是最近几个月它在业内引起了环绕多元化的辩论。Last December a Harvard University study found Airbnb travellers with black-sounding names were less likely to book a room, and this year several Airbnb users complained of discrimination from hosts. 去年12月,哈佛大学(Harvard University)的一份研究表明,Airbnb上名字听得一起像黑人的旅客不太可能租到房屋,今年一些Airbnb用户滋扰受到了房东的种族歧视。In her report, Ms Murphy said Airbnb’s own research had confirmed that minorities struggle more than others to book a listing.墨菲在报告中称之为,Airbnb自己的研究证实少数族裔比其他人更难订到房间。

Since those complaints emerged Brian Chesky, chief executive, has been frank about Airbnb’s shortcomingsin dealing with discrimination. 自从收到滋扰后,Airbnb首席执行官布赖恩切斯恩(Brian Chesky)对公司在处置种族歧视时的缺失没什么掩饰。We have been slow to address these problems, and for this I am sorry, he said in an email sent to all Airbnb users yesterday. I take responsibility for any pain or frustration this has caused members of our community.我们在解决问题这些问题时进程较慢,我回应回应难过,他在昨天发送给Airbnb所有用户的电子邮件中回应,我对这给我们社区成员导致的任何伤痛或沮丧负责管理。

The company’s plans also include mandatory anti-bias training for all employees, as well as an Open Doors policy that will provide special assistance for any guest who experiences -discrimination.该公司的计划还包括对所有员工强迫展开反种族主义培训,并发售了一项门口政策,为经历了种族歧视的房客获取尤其帮助。

本文关键词:BOB半岛·(中国)官方网站,半岛·体育(BOB)中国官方网站,BOB SPORTS




