

时间:2025-02-03 13:03:01 作者:BOB半岛·(中国)官方网站 阅读:

本文摘要:One of China’s most prominent industrialists has attacked a key plank of Beijing’s strategy to foster a global auto industry, saying the shared equity structure with foreign brands had turned domestic manufacturers into spoilt children.中国最知名企业家之一抨击了中国政府增进国内汽车业全球化的一项关键政策,称之为国内车企与外国品牌合资时的股权比例,早已让一些国内汽车生产商变为了宠坏的孩子。

One of China’s most prominent industrialists has attacked a key plank of Beijing’s strategy to foster a global auto industry, saying the shared equity structure with foreign brands had turned domestic manufacturers into spoilt children.中国最知名企业家之一抨击了中国政府增进国内汽车业全球化的一项关键政策,称之为国内车企与外国品牌合资时的股权比例,早已让一些国内汽车生产商变为了宠坏的孩子。Li Shufu , billionaire chairman of carmaker Geely, said the government had handed Chinese manufacturers a “sugar-coated bomb” by insisting foreign peers establish joint ventures in the country and control no more than 50 per cent. Chinese brands have become complacent, he said, knowing they would always control half of businesses run with profitable overseas manufacturers that generate healthy sales fuelled by foreign brands.汽车制造商吉利(Geely)董事长、亿万富翁李书福回应,政府坚决拒绝在中国运营的外国汽车制造商开办合资公司,并且掌控的股份不能多达50%,这给了中国汽车制造商一颗“糖衣炮弹”。他回应,中国品牌显得自鸣得意,它们告诉,自己总能掌控与有盈利能力的外国制造商合资运营的企业的一半,在外国品牌的推展下,这些企业能产生不错的销售额。“This actually is not so constructive for the healthy growth of the ‘kids’,” he said, referring to the domestic brands. “It has defeated its own purpose by harming the Chinese players.“实质上这对‘孩子们’的健康成长并不是那么有益,”他说道,所指的是那些国内品牌,“这项政策伤害了中国的车企,并没达成协议自身的目的。

”“Chinese...companies do not have to think about whether they do something to enhance their competitive edge in international markets. That’s the problem,” he told the Financial Times, speaking through a translator.“中国……企业不必思维它们否应当采行一些措施提升它们在国际市场上的竞争力。这就是问题所在,”他通过一名翻译成对英国《金融时报》的记者说道。China is the world’s biggest car market with annual sales of more than 23m vehicles last year, versus 16.5m in the US. However, the country has no globally renowned national champion and, outside the industry, few have even heard of its domestic marques — including Geely.中国是世界仅次于的汽车市场,去年汽车销量多达了2300万辆,同年美国销量为1650万辆。

然而,中国没全球著名的冠军车企,在行业之外,也很少有人听闻过中国的汽车品牌——还包括吉利。That is despite careful orchestration by Beijing over the past three decades, allowing foreign carmakers to produce locally and avoid hefty import taxes on the condition that they took on a domestic partner.尽管过去30年中国政府展开了精心安排,容许外国汽车制造商在本地展开生产,并在与本土企业合资的情况下防止高昂的进口税,情况仍是如此。

This was largely to facilitate the transfer of manufacturing technologies and know-how between the partners.中国政府的决定主要是为了增进中外合作伙伴之间的生产技术和科学知识移往。It is now three decades since Volkswagen set up the first Chinese auto joint venture in the country. But while foreign automakers have enjoyed runaway success and chunky profits, the desired technology transfer has yet to happen.自从大众(Volkswagen)在中国创建第一家汽车合资企业以来,时间已过去了30年。虽然外国车企取得了极大的顺利和可观的利润,中国想的技术移往却未有再次发生。

Stephen Reitman, analyst at Société Générale Corporate Investment Banking, said foreign carmakers had been good at protecting their intellectual property.法国兴业银行(Société Générale)公司和投行业务分析师史蒂芬赖特曼(Stephen Reitman)回应,外国车企在维护自己的知识产权方面仍然做到得不俗。Chinese brands such as Geely, the owner of Volvo and the London Taxi Company, have sought to gain global presence by acquiring interests in overseas assets. Shanghai Automotive, China’s biggest domestic carmaker by output, acquired the MG brand from the collapsed Rover group a decade ago, and Dongfeng last year bought a 14 per cent stake in PSA Peugeot Citron.享有沃尔沃(Volvo)和伦敦租赁(London Taxi)的吉利等中国品牌,力图通过并购海外资产取得全球影响力。十年前,中国产量仅次于的汽车制造商上汽(Shanghai Automotive)从倒闭的罗孚(Rover)并购了MG品牌,去年东风(Dongfeng)并购了PSA标致雪铁龙(PSA Peugeot Citron) 14%的股份。

But Geely is far from an untainted success. Net profit fell 46 per cent in 2014, partly because of weak sales in its domestic market. Analysts remain sceptical about the level of technology transfer between Geely and its Volvo subsidiary, though Chinese and Swedish employees work side by side at a research centre in Gothenburg.但吉利相比之下没取得圆满顺利。2014年吉利净利润同比上升46%,部分原因在于其国内市场销售低迷。虽然中国与瑞典的员工在哥德堡研究中心一起工作,但分析师对吉利与其沃尔沃子公司之间的技术移往水平仍所持猜测态度。

Mr Li is a relative outsider in China, as a self-made man running the first non-state owned automaker, and has argued for state-owned companies to tie up with private Chinese partners.作为白手起家、运营着中国第一家非国有车企的企业家,李书福在中国相对而言是一个局外人。他主张国有企业不应与民营企业密切合作。Foreign carmakers have been the target of regulatory action by Chinese authorities clamping down on alleged anti-competitive behaviour and this month became the subject of the annual Consumer Day television programme.外国车企仍然是中国当局监管行动的目标,中国有关部门在压制因涉嫌反竞争的不道德。

本月外国车企还沦为一年一度的3.15国际消费者权益日电视节目的曝光对象。China specialists at law firm Hogan Lovells said this was a sign that the government was not happy with the state of the market.霍金路伟律师事务所(Hogan Lovells)的中国问题专家回应,这指出中国政府对市场状态并不失望。

本文关键词:BOB半岛·(中国)官方网站,半岛·体育(BOB)中国官方网站,BOB SPORTS




