双语科技百科(地理) 第20期 大禹治水|BOB SPORTS

双语科技百科(地理) 第20期 大禹治水|BOB SPORTS

时间:2024-09-24 13:03:01 作者:BOB半岛·(中国)官方网站 阅读:

本文摘要:Yu the Great Harnesses the Flood大禹治水Yu the Great was the chieftain of the legendary Xiahou clan. He was o-riginally called Yu or Xiayu. According to legend,the Yellow River floo-ded during the reign of Emperor Yao,and the people were forced to abandon their villages,and go to live in trees or on mountaintops.The flood brought great misery to the people.Emperor Yao,the chieftain of the Yan-Huang tribal alliance,appointed Gun to har-ness the flood.Gun built dikes to keep back the water,but failed.Shun,who succeeded Yao,killed Gun,and appointed Gun’s son Yu to continue with the flood-harnessing work.Drawing a lesson from his father’s failure,Yu adopted the dred-ging method to lead the flood waters to flow along river courses into the sea.Yu worked very hard.It was said that during the 13 years he spent taming the floods,he passed his home three times,but did not enter until his task was completed. As a result of his successful efforts,the people bestowed on him the title“Yu the Great” and with the approval of the tribal chieftains,Shun chose Yu as his successor.大禹是传说中夏后氏部落的首领,原称“禹”,也称之为“夏禹”。

Yu the Great Harnesses the Flood大禹治水Yu the Great was the chieftain of the legendary Xiahou clan. He was o-riginally called Yu or Xiayu. According to legend,the Yellow River floo-ded during the reign of Emperor Yao,and the people were forced to abandon their villages,and go to live in trees or on mountaintops.The flood brought great misery to the people.Emperor Yao,the chieftain of the Yan-Huang tribal alliance,appointed Gun to har-ness the flood.Gun built dikes to keep back the water,but failed.Shun,who succeeded Yao,killed Gun,and appointed Gun’s son Yu to continue with the flood-harnessing work.Drawing a lesson from his father’s failure,Yu adopted the dred-ging method to lead the flood waters to flow along river courses into the sea.Yu worked very hard.It was said that during the 13 years he spent taming the floods,he passed his home three times,but did not enter until his task was completed. As a result of his successful efforts,the people bestowed on him the title“Yu the Great” and with the approval of the tribal chieftains,Shun chose Yu as his successor.大禹是传说中夏后氏部落的首领,原称“禹”,也称之为“夏禹”。传说尧的时候,黄河发大水,洪水淹没了村庄和房屋,人们不能寄居到树上和山顶上。洪水给人民带给了很大的灾害。




本文关键词:BOB半岛·(中国)官方网站,半岛·体育(BOB)中国官方网站,BOB SPORTS



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